1897 - The Beach in Winter
In the depths of winter, the Hamilton Times carried a lengthy account of what conditions were like along the Hamilton Beach Strip, the sandstrip between Lake Ontario and Burlington Bay (now Hamilton Harbor) Accompanied by noted Times artist, J. Thompson, the Times reporter's observations, which appeared in the February 19 1897 edition follow in full: “Until Burlington Beach gets a first-class hotel to replace on a larger scale the once-popular Ocean House, the favorite summer resort will never be the place it once was. Last year an elaborate plan was developed by the Colony Company for the erection of a big hotel, with water toboggan, swimming baths, inland lakes, fountains, parks and cottages, and the scheme may yet be carried out, but the company’s affairs are not in a particularly promising condition just now. When the Ocean House disappeared, a severe blow was struck at the beauty of that portion of the Beach around the canal, and that part is desola...