
Showing posts from June, 2020

Biograph Comes to Hamilton - June 1899

 “The Biograph and its remarkable moving pictures of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, His Holiness Pope Leo XIII, the gallant Gordon Highlanders, the 21 st Lancers, the Grenadier Guards and the Prince of Wales are coming to Hamilton.” Hamilton Times.   June 12, 1899. Its considered to be one of the wonders of the era. While there had been some advances in moving picture technology, for the most part the moving images which had been seen were small. The Biograph was something new and exciting in 1899. The moving pictures which could be seen from the Biograph projectors were large, large enough that everyone a big crowd seated in a Hall could see them at the same time. On June 12, 1899, the Hamilton Times promoted an upcoming exhibition of the Biograph: “The dates are Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, June 19 th , 20 th and 21 st and the place is Association Hall. The public of Hamilton and excursionists from all surrounding places will have an opportunity of...

In Hamilton - June 10 1896

 It had been an eventful day in Hamilton, Wednesday June 10, 1896. When readers of the Hamilton Times opened their morning edition of that newspaper on June 11, there was more than enough of interest to attract the attention of all. On Wednesday evening June 10, a home wedding took place in the east end: “At 7:45 last evening, Miss W. Wodell, organist of the Victoria Avenue Baptist Church, and Mr. C. W. Upsedell, were married by the Rev. F. Barker at No. 65 Oak avenue, the future home of the bride and groom. The bride wore a cadet blue dress trimmed with cream silk and carnations. The bridesmaid also carried carnations and roses, and Mr. J.H. Upsedell, brother of the groom, was best man. About twenty-five friends of the happy couple witnessed the pleasing ceremony and partook of a sumptuous wedding repast. The rest of the evening was spent in music, the enjoyment of games etc. Mr. Jim Upsedell favored the company with several trombone solos. The couple received many an...